Baby Portraits Ideas ages 1 to 20 Weeks


What to Dress Baby In?

For babies between the ages of 1 weeks to 20 weeks a lot of their portrait photography is done semi-naked. At this age, although they have passed the newborn stage, we still want to keep that newborn feel. We have many wraps and blankets for you to choose from to create the perfect colour palette for your little one and your home. 

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During your session with us we often use two to three different backdrops. We have baskets and buckets to create some cute  and cuddly images. We have a large range of colours and textures to use, from the traditional pinks and blues to a range of neutral colours and natural textures.

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  • Make sure baby has the minimum amount of clothing on when you arrive as we will start with semi-naked portraits and its easier if you have next to nothing to take off them, especially if they are asleep when they arrive.

Other things to remember...

Don't forget to bring an outfit to the session for family portraits. You are welcome to keep the semi-naked look for the family, but most often we co-ordinate outfits as a family. If you are bringing any siblings don't forget an outfit to match too. 

When choosing clothing, keep it plain

Patterns and motifs can become too much and all you focus on in the images. Think of co-ordinating colours for the whole family, for example: Blues/whites/greys any of these colours work together, so not everyone has to wear identical colours. 

  • Bring a hair brush for baby and children as their hair can get a bit messy during the session.

  • Your session will last an hour and you may need to feed baby during the session so please remember to bring extra milk and maybe a snack for baby's siblings if they are going to be part of the portrait session.

  • Parents should come ready for their portraits, however we do have changing facilities.

  • There is a lot of electronic equipment in the studio so we ask parents, NOT to allow sibling children to run around and move equipment without the photographers permission.

We look forward to welcoming you in the studio to create some beautiful and unique portraits of you and your little one.

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March 29, 2024


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