Why have an Emma's Diary Photoshoot?


What's the age range for Free Emma's Diary Photoshoots?

If you have been blessed with a new baby and have registered you details on the Emma's Diary website. Then they will at some point bless you with your very own Baby Photoshoot worth £145. 

Your free Emma's Diary Voucher gives you a full Baby Photoshoot. You can have your Emma's Diary session as soon as your baby reaches 5 weeks old. This is a great time to get those beautiful nearly newborn portraits every mom and dad really want.

Often parents like to wait until their new baby is between 4 and 6 months old. This is when they begin to express themselves more, especially with those heart melting first smiles and inquisitive looks.

At around 7 to 10 months your baby will begin to sit up on their own. Now is really the first time you can dress them in amazing outfits. Little dresses, dungarees, flat caps, waist coats and so, so much more. At this age we recommend bring along 3 to 4 outfits as we have lots of backgrounds and props for them to explore.

Emma's Diary sessions go all the way up until your child is 14 months old. Which means you can celebrate their first birthday with an amazing photoshoot (Does not include Cake Smashes).

But there's so much more. It includes Siblings & Family 

What an amazing opportunity to include your new baby and their brothers and sisters in the Emma's Diary photoshoot. We love to include the whole family in the session. Especial Mom & Dad. Capture that first ever family portrait that will live on in your hearts forever.

Cinematic Viewing of Portraits & Gift Print

To make your photographs really stand out we fully edit and apply our own unique Art-Work to your images. We remove blemishes and create a set of stunning portraits for you. A couple of days after your photoshoot we invite you back to the studio for a Cinematic viewing of all of your images set to music. Its just like going to the movies. You can even bring popcorn! We then ask you to choose your favourite portrait and we create a Gift print for you. 

That's everything which is included in your incredible Emma's Diary voucher. So register your voucher today. Click REGISTER

November 11, 2020


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