How to become a Child Model


Modelling and the performing arts, even after the devastation of Covid-19 remaining an attractive career. But how do you make it in the modelling business? 

Here are 6 things to do:?

1. Join a good reputable Agency

This sounds so simple. Yet its if one of the hardest tasks you will undertake in your career. We work with acting and modelling agencies providing modelling assessments and portfolios, so here's what we know.

Anyone can setup as a modelling agency. You don't need to be licensed and you can setup a website in a couple of hours and promote yourself as the best modelling agency in the UK. Even though you are hopeless. So start your journey sceptically. If it sounds to good to be true. In the modelling industry it always is to good to be true.

Check how long the agency has existed. Search for what credible journalists say about them. Most serious agencies will have hit the newspapers of TV over their life - find out what's being said about them. Check online reviews. What are other models saying about the agency. 

If the agency is providing kids modelling work make sure they have a valid DBS check. 

2. Are they an Agency or photographers?

You cannot be all things to all people. Those who claim to be all things usually aren't!

We are a photography studio. We are not a modelling agency. I would say the same is true of modelling agencies.

Some modelling agencies are actually no more than photographers in disguise. They claim to promote models and do so in a limited way. But they make most of their money from the fact that every model needs a portfolio. A set of headshots and an image profile. That's really what they are after. The modelling bit justifies their reason for charging for photographs.

We have come across Agencies that will charge upwards of £350 for a Headshot & Profile sequence. Bearing in mind these will need updating every 6 to 9 months. That's a lot of money.

They will also argue, you can only use their images on their website. If that's the case give them a wide berth. If you had Annie Leibovitz produce your portfolio (one the the best fashion photographers in the world) but only the agency images are acceptable, there's a problem. I hope you are following this!

If the first thing an agency want to do Is take your photograph themselves. Stop and check them out further.

3. Studio Assessment & Profile

Casting Directors. Art Directors. These people don't want models turning up on set who have a bad attitude. Who can't follow instructions. Who fall to bits when a camera is pointed in their face. Casting Directors want to know before the initial selection what they are like on set or in a studio.

Studio Assessments are done by reputable agencies. Every week we carry out model assessments for UK agencies. We will spend time with them in the studio. Importantly we will treat them as they would be treated on set to see how they handle the environment. Then we provide the Agency with a confidential assessment that only they and the cast team get to see. But its an honest independent assessment and photographic portrait of the model.

Now here's the rub -- Unlike agencies who do the photography themselves -- as an independent studio we charge just £125 for a profile sequence you can use anywhere. No just with that agency. 

4. Your Profile

Don't take this the wrong way - But Casting & Art Directors are NOT interested in what you are wearing, albeit the latest designer clothing or not. 

We have found over the last few years some of the most successful agencies have begun to insist on a Model's primary profile is shot in black or white clothing with no logos.

Casting Directors are looking at face, form and flair. Not logos, accessories and branding. You may wear only Hugo Boss but your first job might me Primark. 

Casting directors are not interested in what you wear. they are infested in the look and personality of who is in the clothes. 

5. Update & Keep Going

I don't what to burst anyone's bubble. But the chances of you submitting your portfolio & profile and getting a call for a job in the first 6 months is, let's be honest, remote.

The models who make it. Update and Keep Going. 

Modelling is rewarding but its a hard business. Casting directors look at 1000's of model images weekly. You have to standout or just happen to fit exacting, specific and often strict criteria. 

Most of the successful models have returned to us for updates serval times before. they got their first real job. Its not that the agency is not doing their part. But a casting director will be looking for someone with a very specific profile. Maybe some with specific skills, like street dancing. May be a certain look.

The model with the Red Hair above became the face of Cardiff Christmas 2019 because they were looking for exactly her: height, colouring, hair, structure etc. A 1000 applications or more for that role and she was the one. She had several profiles before her big break.

November 17, 2020


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Comments (2)


November 4, 2024 10:53 AM
Please use this link to book in for a modelling session https://www.studio27.photography/vouchers/others/teenage-model-experience/

Thanks Keith

Melisa katalea sliskova

November 3, 2024 2:13 AM
Hello I what give my daughter
For modeling se is 9 years old

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