What is Studio Style?


All photography studios have a style. It's just that some are intentional and others accidental. Elise and myself spend hours thinking about our studio style. It's not something we simply dropped on one day. Over years as award winning wedding photographers we created a deliberate style that was atmospheric. Part of our style reflects our personalities, we like emotive images. We like the idea that there are shadows and the idea that things are hidden.

We began our style journey by choosing photographers from around the world that inspired us. We then analysed what it was in their portraits that caught our attention, from Jerry Ghionis to Joel Grimes. It was not just about inspiration, it was about understanding process. Learn how to replicate an idea, then you can apply those skills across others applications.

Today we continue to develop or studio style. From the way we shoot a portrait session to the way we use cameras and lighting. More and more, we are seeing how post production techniques are having a significant impact on everyones studio style; from good to bad outcomes.

Photoshoot will not make a bad image good. But it can make a good image great!

But remember with Photoshop you need to be able to replicate the same process 100 or a 1000 times every week, every month. Its no good turning our one set of amazing portraits for one client and divertingly poor content for everyone else. Consistency is king!

It all starts in the camera. Get it right in camera. From Composition to Capture. The life of a studio photographers is not point and click. Its getting the lighting right. Getting the pose right, or in the case of children getting the sequence right to choose the best portrait. The right backdrop. The right props. 

Shooting in Sequences

Do not shoot dozens of images. 8-12 is a sequence not 50-60. You are looking for "The One" - the one where the expression is right. The gaze is idyllic. The dress is falling right. The hands are in the right place. The head is turned the right way and just far enough. You want the one!

This is "The One"

This is our style of portrait. Yes we include happy fun portraits. However its amazing how many mums and dads end up preferring our style of portrait that tries to capture something more.... something below the surface... even a baby at 8 months old will just stop and consider, for a moment, and that's "The One".

Finishing is so Important

Elise likes to say that if a client only saw the finished images they would not be aware we had done anything to it. In other words you need to have a light touch in Photoshop. Not heavy vignettes. To over use of HDR. Keep it light and soft. Enhance and improve do not dominate and detract from the subjects beauty.

PS. Remember you have to be better than what a client can do on their Smartphone - otherwise what's the point of a studio existing?

November 17, 2020


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