What to wear for Portraits


Elegant & Stylish

Those two words summaries our style of portrait photography, Elegant, Stylish! You cannot be overdresses. Likewise classic casual is just as beautiful. The most successful portrait sessions we do is when parents and subjects invest the time considering their wardrobe.

Less is more... You cannot go wrong with the simple black dress or stylish jeans, white shirt and waistcoat.


We will use multiple backgrounds at your portrait session with us and the backdrops often depend on the clothing you will bring. We want the backdrop to work with your wardrobe and sometimes the same outfit can work across different colour palettes.

Two Together

When photographing siblings together or come to that couples together its not necessary that they must wear the same outfit. But their outfits need to work together and coordinate.


Do not over accessories - less is more. Stylish touches to lift an outfit to the next level are great. Please take care with bling! Fur lapels on jackets are great. Delicate simple jewellery is often best.

To Do List

  • Please bring at least three outfits, maybe even four as we use at least two backdrops during a portrait session. 
  • For children we suggest three or four outfits. We may not use all of them, buts its good to have lots of choice.
  • Bring a hair brush for children as their hair can get a bit messy during the session.
  • Do bring extra makeup, especially lipstick for the ladies.
  • We have separate changing facilities in the studio.
  • Prepare your children to have their photographs taken. We want your time to be fun, however there is going to be times when your children will have to be able to sit still either on a parents lap or on their own. For young children make time at home to have fun getting them to sit on your lap or on a little stool with one parent pretending to take their photograph.
  • We use chocolate rewards which are given to children who have followed the photographers instructions. These are ONLY given out at the end of the session. Please make us aware if you do not want us to give a reward to your child.
  • There is a lot of electronic equipment in the studio so we ask parents, NOT to allow their children to run around and move equipment without the photographers permission.

November 25, 2020


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