Portrait Experience

Pets are part of our families. They are great characters with their own unique personalities. 

We want to create portraits of your pet that you will treasure always. We even want you to get involved and capture the love between your pet and you and your family. So make your pet portrait session a complete family occasion.



The UK is a nation of animal lovers. Our pets are adored and loved members of our families. We thinks its time to get our family pets involved in our family photography experience. During your Pet Photograpjhy Experience as well as creating beautiful pet portraits of the animals themselves, we will create beautiful family portraits of all of your together. Usually pet portraits are for cats and dogs, but only the other week we photographed a Tortoise and we have photographed all the way up to horses!

We have won awards for our pet photography and are used to working with animals, we know how to take a selection of portraits that really bring out the personality of your pet. You can also bring along a couple of props such as a favourite toy or their bed. But most importantly remeber to bring along some treats to help coax them into playing along.

Before we start the session, we let your pets wonder around the studio to get used to their new enviornment and we let off a few flashes to make sure they are fine with our lights, most pets are not bothered by the flashes, we even find they are more relaxed than their owners!

Create beautiful portraits of your beloved pets in their prime and remember them forever.


Other Otions


Looking for Pet photography in Cardiff, Newport and Abergavenny then you are just 10 to 30 minutes away from us, and the good news is that we offer free parking in front of our studio.

Our purpose built Pet photography studio is just 15 minutes from Newport and 20 to 30 minutes from Caerphilly?.

Our Pet photo shoots are very relaxed and great fun, that's because we want you to enjoy your Pet and family photoshoot, that way we get the very best family and Pet portraits which you will cherish forever.

You can buy a Pet photography session online or if you prefer you can call the studio and book in directly for your family and Pet portrait photography experience..


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